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drunk and alone

| alcohol is rapidly becoming my main coping mechanism. can't even get a single mf in the discord call to help me stay sane. god i hate being alive

| ill be your discord kitten onii-chan

| 50Kchan murder suicide

>>985233 onee chan

| >>985225 at least buy them booze too you cheap fuck. therapy is $70 an hour

| >>985235 therapy is free for me. i'm just too retarded to schedule an appointment at any point in my shit life

| cut your wrist

| >>985236 do you get support for your destructive behaviour? No support for you today. You are an adult, go to therapy.

| >>985234
okay onee-nyan! ^~^

| in the Middle Ages they drank constantly. and nothing, really, they lived for 40 years. But then there was no medicine. Work g/u/rls. Work allows you not to drink often.

| >>985225 calm down shawty :3 and call me :333

| >>985236 schedule an appointment g/u/rl. you are lucky enough to live in a place where it's free, so use that privilege!!!
Get a different addiction instead idk like collecting kitties or something.

| Talking to someone won't make your problem go away, the rope will.

| >>985271 The rope will make you go away, not your problems.

| Drink enough and eventually you dont care anymore

| >>985282 not your problems anymore

| Book a trip into some shithole third world country like usa,makes you appreciate what you have

| where you at, g/u/rl?
we'll have a wacky romcom roadtrip together

| Oh g/u/rls, what would we ever do without the sweet sweet taste of alcohol??? Well I think I'd die personally

| >>fb6dcd does saying that get you money from men?

| maybe people don't want to discord chat with an addict lol

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1699907466

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