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Yah woke it up it wants me dead, godamn this voice inside my head


| By the way, I am Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia

| Nigger

| >>5169b2 ya mama.

| >>5169b2 you just mad cause you ain't getin' laid during NNN.

| >>5169b2 tell me your name. I'll plow my girlfriend, yell your name, upload it to the hub and send it to you so you feel like you got something this year. Sad little weeb.

| >>984562 Alan Smithee, faggot
now give hub channel or are you projecting here >>984561?

| Nigga lover in thread

| >>984569 you mean Nigger? Can you say it?

| >>984582 I mean ur møm

| >>984562
You don't have a girlfriend.

| Neither more nor less than dummy

| i wonder what's been going on in /u/ lately with the influx of these threads and posts

| >>984594 you mean mom/mother? Can you say that? Nigger faggot

| >>984619 I mean a cum sponge of ur step father

| Stop being mean. Look at kitten:
|\__/,| (`\
_.|o o |_ ) )


| >>984695
lol nigger lmao faggot

Tf you babbling about you braindead retard

| >>984700 why you insult people as faggot?
u don't indulge in some g/u/rlcock from time to time?

| >>984700 U are irish nigger scotish faggot, normal humans call it untermensch

| Locking the thread. Tone it down, or we're going to get a bunch of threads complaining about you g/u/rls.

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1699514204

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