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Pasion Fair Hamburg

| Does any of you fuckg/u/rls happen to be on the Passion exhibition in Hamburg next Weekend?

| no:(

| no, but it sounds fucking awesome

| I'm not German

| Nein

| Such a shame. I really thought I might bump into someone from here, considering how much we all love sex, and that there seem to be at least two other people from the general northern germany / southern denmark area.

| >she thinks we actually love sex
yeah and 60k actually wants to earn money. lmao

| we all love sex
but an exhibition features people

| >>984263 but how else are you going to find that momny who dicks you down with her girthy strapon, or a femboy that you can tie up?

| Well sure I would meet a stranger that I met on a shady site, what could possibly go wrong?

| >>984972 you get breed

| >>984975 this. And consentually of course. They even have play- and darkrooms at the fair.

And it wouldn†t be the firdt time people from danger/u/ meet in real live and end up having sex.

| First day was bloody awesome! My highlight of the day was the live whipping show

| >>984093 why it's looks as average anime con? xd

| >>985012 pls u/con in prague *^-^*

| I just missed a similar show in my own city. Plzzzz fly me out to Hamburg :3

| >>985398 there is some overlap between Passion and an Anime-con. But the Passion is purely a BDSM and Fetish faire

| >>985633 on animecons here are also presentations about bdsm, furry, shibari workshops, small stores selling chokers, latex wears etc. xd

| I feel i disagree because animecons are pure passion and bdsm too xd I'm >>3257a5 btw

| >>985833 it seems like the only difference is then that people are dressed differently, or do you have people in a full body latex devil costume, others in nothing but a chastity cage as well?

Btw, let me know when theres an animecon in your part of the world, it might be worth the travel ;)

| >>986037 hmm.. i saw few people wear latex but only few maybe 2:100 or something xd chastity age who knows i wasn't checking them pants xd

I visit 3 animecons in my country (1 of them is another city so i travel by bus/train) xD
and than visiting Gamescom it's not having shibari Workshop but is fun enjoying things as soul hackers, sao, sonic and various games before official release xd

| >>986058 i'm talking about a few men and women that were literally naked except for a chastity cage.

| >>986226 ohh xd well they aren't naked if they wear chastity cage or socks xd

| >>986226
...aren't they cold?

| >>986374 no, it was indoors and well heated. And you can move around to heat up

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1700245536

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