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i hate books the thread

| danger/u/ literature club
i'm reading macbeth

let's talk about cool books and have good times (only POSITIVE posts only)

| My girlfriend and I have been listening to A Confederacy Of Dunces on audiobook while doing chores, and I can honestly say that I haven't laughed this much in over a decade.

| recently im reading jeff the killer its really twisted its about a boy named jeff who is bullied and set on fire so he carves a smile on his face and kills his bullies and his brother and he says go to sleep when he kills people its really chilling and twisted but also sad too i reccommend it especially for this halloween season

| I really want to read House of Leaves but importing it is so expensive and I haven't found a copy in my country yet

| George Floyd Creepypastas Volume 1: 50+ Breathtaking Horror Stories

| >>983391 i finished that book recently. it's not really necessary to read it in print, an ebook is fine too.

| I'm not really into poetry, but I decided I must read Layla and Majnun for various reasons. Any recommendations for an English translation?

| >>983491
dunno about any particular translations but since that's very old, I'd say that you could find an annotated version or two published by Oxford or maybe another university

| yo can i get some scp wiki tales recommendations? the nuclear option and site-7 were good but i need some more to scratch that indie writing itch

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1698821045

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