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God damnit maids stop deleting 50k Chan posts

| I want to read their broken English, I want to read them flailing and trying to form sentences and the great insults our g/u/rls come up with. I just want to see the chaos ensue

| I VOTE NO. Just find another place. She doesn't rent here only

| kys op

| please don't do that

| can we preserve the posts somehow at least like archive them somewhere theyre precious

| Being limited time make them more valuable

| >>982144 need a hidden board /50k just for 50k Chan

| >>982144 this, just shove em into archive

| keep up the good work, maids! We appreciate you

| >>982132 it's easy to immitate her.

Start the thread with "hypothetically, figuratively" followed by how to get rich quick or how to measure something abstract like the popularity of art

Her broken insults are ranging from
-maybe go back to school
-cry to your mommy
-maybe learn to....
-no wonder this board is...
-pity you, stuck with me
-whatever, I guess...


| Maids please keep deleting 50k-chan posts, she is a blight on this board and others

| she is literally the only reason i come here anymore

| >>982253 leave. be free

| she is our yotsuba

| >>982258 AHEM that would simply be Jill and nobody else.

| >>982200 and yet those who has tried to imitate them do it so poorly. Highkey their typing is transcendedly spurg, we may study it but truly it is the language of the gods

| shut the fuck up op

no one using this little niche microforum like checking it and feeling like its completely dead and overrun by fucking bots and i dont give a fuck how ironic youre being

maids, thank /u/

| >>982346
ruskie much? bye~

| >>982346 what in the world are you saying? Also not being ironic I genuinely mean it. Someone posting retarded threads still gets people talking and engaging we just sit around and make fun of them. And they aren't a bot it's a person who is asking for help but is too erogant to take any of it and that relationship we have against 50k is so fucking great to read

| >>982365
shut the fuck up and download an AI companion then

| >>982352
da zvidanya, tovarisch

| >>9ba717 we got a new mental ward g/u/rl here c:

| >>982371 b raging on /u/ like a boss

| >>982374 this one cute too

| why else are you semites.

that's right

fucking worthless man eaters
guess you are not smarter than the frauds either, aryan.

keep stacking your skulls

that's all you can anyway

| >>982365 stop being contrarian. If you really adore him and want to talk/fuck him, you can just ask for his email. I have it saved when he doxxed himself.

| >>982458 wtf share it rn

| Do stack skulls,Khorn will be pleased

| I want to see a 50k Chan post, I've never seen one and I want the real 50k Chan experience

| >>982674
It's really not worth it

| >>982674 it's great, honestly.

>>982685 losertard out here just reading the posts instead of trying to engage with them. The best part of a 50k Chan post is their responses to you, legit having a long trades of posts is amazing

| >>982762
You could do anything with your time and yet you choose to spend it pretending to be retarded online for the attention of internet strangers

| >>982825

like im SAYING

| >>982922 Please kill yourself.

| >>982825 and ur choosing to b mad about it. whos winning?

| >>982825 say safe gurl, you're just stepping in a zone of people coping with the annoyance maker.

| stay*

| I just wanna see one of her drawings and maybe try to actually give advice if I can, but she won't post when asked

| >>983023 frfr like despite the complete outwardly hostile comments that they make I do just want to help

| >>982924
no <3

| "i just wanna see her drawings" you are talking about a word salad bot. you are schizoid incels that should just go jack off to chatgpt ong

| I'm going to keep cleaning up 50k-chan posts, but I'll try to avoid deleting any of the posts she makes in this thread.

| >>983340
No, it's ok, you can delete them...(´ཀ`」)

| >>983340 *fucks your mouth*

| >>983340 can I have a sandwich?

| >>983512 poosi baus?

Total number of posts: 47, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1698771140

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