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gremlin anime binges

| whenever the weekend rolls around i lose control and start bingeing anime. should i just get new hobbies?

| no

i get it. make yourself happy, what does the hobby matter so long as it doesnt harm or exploit anyone

| >>981717
prolonged periods of staying inside without social interaction is harmful to most people though.

its fine if you're happy and healthy and don't want to socialize but i think a lot of lonely people chose anime over socializing because it's uncomplicated. not because they dont want to socialize.

| did somebody say goblin anime bitches?!? gimme da boooooty ! yarrr!

| >>981717
underated poast. hands together emoji. stay blessed g/uuuuu\y

| trips checc 'em

| holy fail lmao. nobody read above above post or u will be cursed for all of spooktober

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1698032240

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