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Will /u/ app ever get updated?

| It hasn't been updated in like 4 years

| And radiu has been down for months. Maybe if Nirvana actually comes out that will energize pref and our base, but otherwise we are on the slow death of maintenance mode gurl. Besides the app isn't perfect but it works "well enough".

| It'd need to still be on the play store in order to get updated, so I guess not

| Y'all still use the app? Just go to dangeru dot us

| >>981460 I can't post from my phone there for some reason, didn't care enough to check

| I still use the app. I got if from f-droid. I like the background music.

| It's a reminder of better times

| >>981443 it's still on play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.angryburg.uapp

| >>981460 it simply takes more steps to get in.

| >>981500
it lives :0
kinda weird that it doesn't show up when i search for it though

| Consider unalive?

| Maintenance mode is a cruel mistress

| What updates/upgrades would be needed most?
I know that all dependencies would need to be bumped to even be able to build the la/u/ncher in latest Android Studio, but that's taken care of two days ago

| >>981660 Fix Infinite scrolling

| >>981660 id like it if the api was used to integrate the board natively rather than just dumping the regular site in a webview cuz why not just use the site then? though the api lacks a lot of stuff only available through the site

| >>ac393e >>2b230e I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything

| >>981546 I had to search va11ha11a for it to show up

| >>981718
dont fix anything that isn't broke. its p/u/rfect

| >>981660 Better app fonts and by that i specifically mean the patch notes button font, it stands out like a sore thumb with most themes. Also give the button some inner padding pls

| I also feel like the default sans serif font on most phones clashes with the pixelated vibe of the site like in the title bar, it feels disconnected

| Shame this app has real comfy vibe

| >>981465 What kind of phone are you using? I'm posting from a flip phone, and the site works fine aside from the text field not letting me insert newlines for some reason

| When I tap to load next page, I often tap the github awo link underneath by mistake. So please, fix infinite scrolling or remove that link. Thank you.

| >>981807 >>981808 Something like this? https://i.imgur.com/fhzLm9l.png

| >>981807 >>981808 Something like this? https://i.imgur.com/fhzLm9l.png

| Shady link kys

| Some g/u/rls have reported issues with the music player not working. It works for me though, so I can't speak to that issue exactly.

| >>981918
Same. works for me.
this, adjustable text sizes for larger jands

| Lain is the g/u/rl that makes the current app not pref afaik

| >>981909 much better

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1698159743

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