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| If you were certain that the girl who loves you is THE good one, THE love of your life. Would you abandon everything ? (Work, comfort, studies...) In order to start a new life with her.

| not unless that life had A Livelihood

life is not a fairy tale. if shes The One she can wait for you to have a foundation to stand on, but unless part of your plan is to start iver with her, i dont know how throwing other parts of your life away would be good. i k ow i sound sober and anticlimactic but make sure you are doing it as much for yourself as this i toxicating ideal of Truest Love, you know??

| why cant she throw everything away for me instead

| ^

| >>980318
I understand what you're saying but if i truely love her i should follow her. Why she should bend to me ? Indeed, if i follow her, i'm with her, but i lost a year or 2 of studies and also money. Idk i'm so confused

| No.

| >>980318
This. Healthy relationships aren't founded on sacrificing everything in your life to be with the other person, and it's generally not a good idea unless you like picking up the pieces of your wrecked life further on down the line(PROTIP: It will be harder than it was to get that shit together the first time). If it's the right person they will work WITH you to build a life, not tear down yours for their benefit.

| omg shut the fuck up and kys

| there is only One to whom you should abandon everything for and follow, and that is Jesus Christ.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1697591744

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