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how to have platonic relationships with guys

| feels hard to get guy friends w/o them thinking im leading them on for some reason

| I am a g/u/y and I somehow only have platonic relationships with girls and everyone thinks I'm gay.
My advice is that that feeling of 'potential sexual tension' is not really such a big issue as you might think at first. I think of my friends as friends first with gender being secondary...

| Or simply mention off hand that you are in a relationship? "sorry, my bf texted me. had to answer." stuff like that. I realized that is what some girls sometimes do.
Unless if you are also looking for a partner in which case... dont do that.

| Grab yourself a cheap ring and slap it on your ring finger.
Guys will still think about fucking you, but the prospect of getting beaten up by someone for attempting a hookup keeps the mild offenders away.

| that actually attracts them more

| Gays ("da guys") dont exist sweety. Were all barbie g/u/rls, in a barbie w/u/rld

| >>979114
Hahahahaha, no. There's a bunch of guys who aim for married women on purpose because they're scum.

| >>979095 I have practically no friends among guys. but I have a lot of girl friends with whom I play, drink, chat... but don’t have sex. And in general, in the years that I have been living, I have never had sex, and I don’t really need it. enough jerking off. That's why my relationships with girls have always been platonic. or maybe I just don’t know how to love.

| Be a guy

| >>979141 It’s so outdated and not fashionable...

| you cannot be what does not exist sweaty

| Become Plato and every relationship will be platonic.

| G/u/ys that want to bang a g/u/rl is a red flag anyway, don't talk with g/u/ys

| the relationship will be platonic if you make sure they cum first

| I have several platonic friendships with women. Just don't think about sex and boom suddenly women are people too. Wild am I right?

| >>979144
holy shit....that feels true...

| Tell people upfront that your looking to hang platonicly. If they lose interest they only wanted to bang you anyway.

| god i wish i knew

| Look for the sigma-alpha-gigachad-MGTOW-asexual-aromantic-apathic g/u/ys
Like me, I have no need of romantic partners and I'm not interested in looking for them

I also will occasionally shout very loudly "You're a good FRIEND", or "HELLO FRIEND!" Sometimes.

| you cant look for sigma and alpha. its like being both gay and straight

| what does sigma male even mean lol

| >>979936 you can be sigma and alpha at the same time, but only a few special people are able to achieve it, like me lol XD

| >>979964 Sigma g/u/rlnuts bozo. Fuck outta here.

| >>979974
KEK, got 'eem

| >>979974 lmao I got owned


| Heteronormativity and it's consequences

| I guess i am genetically weak.

| Not like it ll be anyother way either...

| You are not drowning anyway.

| Bunch of monkeys

| Smells just like singapore.

| In different spectrum.. if anyone knows what that is, i guess.

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1697361569

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