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Man car accidents go kinda wild.

| some highschooler girls pulled in front of me and I couldn't stop in time. those air bags really go smack the fuck outa you

| I love JK!

| I definitely have a concussion

| Did their bodies damage your car?

| Hit their car and it sent my car towards the side walk and I almost hit 3 different highschoolers. I came out with the most damage to my car and to me

| wait, is this real?

| I assume you have insurance car haver.

| Yep so did the other driver (I assume through their parents). >>978756 yep I can up a link for a pic a little later, though I'm technically not supposed to use screens, as you can see I'm not following that one all to well.

| oh no g/u/rl!! i hope you can get better soon

| Crashes are wild as fuck. When I was in one it felt like ptsd every time I got in into a car.

| i am reminded of why i love public transport

| >>979303 me me

| Tfw u libe in amerika

| >>979268 I'm going of going through that atm, panic attacks today and yesterday waking me up at around 4 am. Forgot I promised to post a pic ill get around to that a little later tonight

| >>979331 sure, we will wait

| https://postimg.cc/RJMtfDTV never actually used this image sharing platform but saw another g/u/rl use it in /a/. Bet you can't guess where I hit my head

| Damn, that's pretty crazy g/u/rl. You alright?

| I'm living head has healed up real nice now its just up to my brain to heal. Concussions are great!

| another clip from a different angle: https://youtu.be/MmGSqoCCFt8?t=49
remember to stay safe and don't forget to hug your loved ones!

| >>979438
That's good to hear! How's your head though?

| >>979612 well I am able to read again, I'm going to my doctor... eventually. Not for a while because they are booked. BUT I am hopeful that I'm doing ok.

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1697175930

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