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Pipkin Pippa 2 the squekquel

| A continuation of our love for the pink rabbit

| Don't mention the typo

| I hope pippa streams tonight

| You made a typo.

| Reeeeeeeee

| >>7cec0e Shut up. Your probably not even old enough to be on this site lmfao

| >>89190f That's not what your mom said last night

| Wow your so funny, I can tell you have SOOOO many friends

| she still doing warcr8mes?

| >>977497 Every night of the week except for Sunday & Monday. I'm glad her schedule is so consistent (compared to some talents). Really makes it easier for me to remember.

| >>977560 always.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1696185902

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