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Take a break.

| Let's sit down, take a drink or snack of choice and breathe some clean air. Close to an open window or outside.
Watch the nature living or the busy street, down or around you.
Or at least a numb sky should be there.
On your own in a world full of chores and taskes...
Nothing can be changed but at least we could take some time to understand that it can be simpler than it may look like.
Just one focus at time...

| thanks, Maromi <3

| Have sex and have fun.

| Have celibacy have boredom

| Jerk off and be furedom

| have nap and be happy

| It's now safe to have sex

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1695957648

This thread is permanently archived