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What is the worst thing you have ever done?

| im innocent

| abandoning my childhood optimism and glee at age 11 in the attempt to become an adult quicker only to realize that what I have given away is what I truly yearn for

| >>977032
Too real

| Had romantic feelings for a relative of mine and did a lot of things together, like hugging, kissing, and touching each other. We even went as far as to caress each other while naked. We were surprised in the act one day and were scolded and told to never do that again.

| Tried to emotionally manipulate somebody into committing a double suicide with me.

| enter this thread

| Killed an old couple for 200$

| >>977032 ha! I never gave it away! I still have my optimism and childlike wonder! I took a good decision :p
I hope you can recover it too g/u/rl

| >>977115 most mentally sane person

| >>977159 most sane person on danger/u/

| >>977043
Ever touches a female since?

| >>977043
Ever touches a female since?

| got extremely drunk while visiting family, left a MASSIVE creamy dump, like horse dung style--IN THE TUB


then wiped myself !! and lay down and slept !!! woke up to screams of "WHO SHIT IN THE TUB"

| I've said the F-word a couple of times...

| >>977206 nobody can say the F-word... Have you ever seen what happens to those who even try to say the second letter??
Many kind of horrors and blood rivers are shown in my mind just by imaging someone spelling it out full!

| >>977230 F U N?

| >>977252
no not fun....you know the other word
ehem u know.... that word

| >>977254 but you have said multiple words, that doesn't even make sense...

| lol fuck lmao faggot

| nigger ^ w ^

| >>da655f edgyboy

| >>c9095b I'm g/u/rl, nigger faggot

| >>977339 edgyg/u/rl ;)

| >>977340 much better, negro gay

| another thread derailed
good work soldiers

| betrayed my potential

| >>977384 thank u s/u/r

| Watch anime was a mistake

| why do people respond to obvious bait in 2023???

| I don't think there was any specific singular thing, but for a while when I was younger I was a pathetic "optimistic nihilist" edgelord halfway down the alt-right pipeline, so I've said and pushed plenty of shit that the current me would beat the shit out of someone for
At least I grew out of it as I became an adult. A lot of sad, sad people are like 30+ and still like that

| >>977492
boredom, moatly

| erm…. your mom!

| Getting a woman disqualified from a job because she was rude to me.

| >>977043
Hit them up again

| A guy I didn't like in a summer camp kept locking his luggage because he was paranoid (he was being a solid twat by 10 year olds). One day I find a lone key near his room, and I thought "go and try to find it" on one half, the other I didn't know if its really his.

We had "classes" in an old house, and I decided to put the key in the abandoned bathroom.

He had to break open the lock and luggage, and he was crying a little. It was funny though (I was an asshole).

| Being alive

| Read half of the posts you people write

| i'm egoistic so i can't remember.. mostly probably lose few connections because they hurts

| shitposting on danger/u/. i like it. i might do it again. i probably will. yeah. i definetly will.

| >>978254 did you do it again though?

| >>978256
no not yet. might do it later. xoxo

| spiked someones drink ^_^

Total number of posts: 42, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1696451907

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