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Hey guys how y’all doin

| I’m in bed doin nothing rn :3

| Very very tired.

| Vacation times...Chill

| taking a shit rn...

| I'm so close to just giving up. So close to just not apply to the next semesters courses and just rot in my apartment. I am so fking close of resorting to violence.
But otherwise yeah shits bussin.

| >>976570 lmao

| >>976549 I'm very interested in your poop's shape and smell, tell me more

| square, and pungent

| >>976627 I can pracitcally feel it hnnnnnng

| BRrrrrrrrAaaaAAAAAAAPp

| getting ready to be eepy

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1695606425

This thread is permanently archived