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So uh I think I'm in a triangle relationship

| Hey so I regualrly jerk off to my homies girl when he sends me pics of her. On a recent outing though she got sexual with me and we did shit. I feel kinda weird tho. Like uh should I feel weird about it? Both of them seem on board just not at the same time exactly

| You've got to fuck him too, it's the only way to complete the triangle.

| >>976197 this.

| homiesexual

| If you feel weird it might be better to talk about it with either her or him. Your relationship with your homie won't be the same anyway.

| remember, triangle relationship is better than square relationship

| what about penta relationships

| >>976258 five is right out!

| >>976291
but pentagrams are cool!

| Do you know what is really fucked up? Be in circle relationship.. because triangle, pentagon etc. Are basically shaped circles limited by count of sides. But circle don't have limits, circles isn't physically even possible, it's just mathematical construct. Megagon can be real, but if you will zoom it you will see same pattern. Circle theoretically don't have sites it's also reason why number pi is infinite.. if you are in circle relationship, your status is quantum pathetic

| >>976324 become poly, got it

| >>976373 the best part is, pseudo-ring is fucked up, but do you know what makes it more? connect every point with ALL other points. This is reason why brain is more effective than computers and maybe reason to awareness, every neuron have thousands of other connections... and now~
~~~~~lewd <3

| >>976197
Do the homie

| >>976373 don't do it g/u/rl, its all the mental illnesses of mono but more people to endure them with

| do a pentagon relationship

| if ur a sword user/saber class ull be fine against axes or lancers. ull always have a disadvantage on 1/3rd of ur triangle.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1695764753

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