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Reasons why summer is #1

| - it warm
- beaches!
- no skool
- I can be naked all the time
- cold showers
- windows open

| Reasons why winter is #1
- it's cold
- snow on the roads - light at the night
- yes skool
- stupid people like you wearing something
- cold showers and ice cream
- windows open

| Because you started numbering the seasons with it. Continuing this logic, autumn is #2, winter is #3, spring is #4.

| i'd rather freeze to death than die of heat.

| can I pls have some normal ppl weather I don't want to die of heat or cold

| But winter is cooler

| But summer is heartwarming

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1695427781

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