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Text vs Image

| So what's the appeal of a textbased imageboard vs a place like 4chan where images are a huge part of posting?

| Text, i don't want bother by saving images and import/export them from pc, phones, handhelds and various devices

| 1. textboards in my experience are more chill.
2. i don't have to see some degenerate shit.

| Now there are so many different emojis, stickers, GIFs and other things. This is degradation. Why write a proposal when you can send a picture of a sad cat?

| >>976081 or emoji of north korea

| theres a limit to how gross you can be with words. plus plus its reto

| With text only, you need to actually think of a reply instead of just uploading a soyjak and hitting post

| >>976171 i found solution! .../soyjak.gif
And who told I can't post images on imageless imageboard? I was thinking and won

| textboards are cheaper to run since text is much smaller than images

| heres some text for you to read
8=D~( . Y . )

| Does it actually cost more money?

| >>976233 uncensored porn?! Are you bypassing Japanese censorship or something?

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1695472678

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