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4 shits in 1 hour

| diet mood swing g/u/rl here im on the toilet rn i just ate meat after going vegetarian for 4 days and AAAAAA

| Why tf did you go vegetarian?
Go suffer now

| Holy SHIT

| i went vegetarian because i was bored but then i became a carnivore for like 1 day

| my asshole is yet to recover from this

| this is really retarded. but aye. get well soon. lmao.

| Let me plug ur butt,problem solved

| 4 whole days? woooow~

| 4 hole days

| I think I'm having stress shits, when I have a day off work it's like I'm dumping a kilogram

| Based. Destroy that toilet

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1694722317

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