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be honest.

| if an SMT demon event happened and you were a key player would you do altruistic and noble things?

i have to admit..i wouldnt. id wreak vengeance on those i 5hought deserving.

| That's why you wouldn't be a key player or a player at all

| SMT?

| This question is moot as I will probably die day one (just like I do in the game)

| >>973184 idk what kind of smt game you are playing, but the longer term of most smt games is to survive. Like you can kill the guy who bullied you but if YHVH decides to nuke your city, I don't think revenge will be your top priority at that point.

| >>973184
Altruistic and noble.

But I would also fuck the cute demons.

| >>973184 a FUCKING WHAT event?

| >>973226
thanks for an actual answer
and yeah, thats true

i meant more like what leaning/inclination would you take and why

i suppose id be a short lived Chaos hero in that case

| What is speech about?

| >>973253
Philomena Cunk moment

| menoPhali kunc nomemt

| I'd go for the "everyone gets their mental fantasy scenario" ending immediately

| Friendly reminder that a substantial part of the lore is dependent on the Japanese being descendents of the Jewish people.

Look it up it's whacky tabacky, but good esotericisim.

| >>973266 yeah, I unironically support musubi reason. Why fight and kill everyone just so that 1-2 person get their personal sanbox paradise if everyone can each get their own personal sandbox paradise?

The only thing that I worry about is kagutsuchi slopping out the new world, causing one ruler of the world being able to invades other worlds.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1694489902

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