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How To Stop Being A Doomer: A Guide

| 1. You can't.

no hope
we are fucked

| Have you tried stopping being a bitch

| retard mentality

| >>972638
like fr

| You're weak. Grow up.

| Have you tried going to church?

| How about you try getting a job?


Majestic 12

| have you tried eating 6 tabs of acid

| Have sex

| Why stop them? Enjoy it.

| Besides, autumn is coming. The time has come to sadly walk the streets and think about the futility of life.

| >>972712 there are better ways to get molested, pride parades for example

| >>972807 or dangeru.us

| >>972721 JC there's a bomb!

| I'm not convinced everything is hopeless but I'm not particularly optimistic. I just don't care what happens. I wake up, try to make it through work and go back to sleep.

| Play tf2

| >>972836 tranny game full of aimbot

| ya'll need to spend less time here and more time touching grass and making connections

| >>972848 are you a vegan electrician?

| >>972848 heyyy I think you just my type. you might be an electrician but im feeling the chemistry

| >>972848 its 110 degrees outside. dry enough that the dogs are marking territory with chalk. what the fuck sort of grass do you want me to touch. describe it in detail, please, i invite you to.

| >>972949 brown dry and crunchy, sort of pokey and brittle. would make very good fire starter

| >>972721 Maybe you should join Majestic 12, in a bodybag.

| >>972884
lol y r u proxying the least concerned site u sussy baka fr go back to 4dit desu rofl


| Why are there so many doomers but I'm a die-hard optimist?

| >>972840 Delusional posting although Trannies taking over things for attention is nothing new, community servers are still fine

| I think DOOM was a good game. I have fun every time I play it! I'm glad to call myself a DOOMer, and I hope this DOOM thread inspires others to check out the franchise as well. :D

| >>972949
Your outlook is problem, not the grass nor the weather. Have a good day~

| the*

| >>973241 tried doom eternal a few months back but the power fantasy stuff wasn't really my type of game. i stopped after the purple goo area

| im so sorry for posting this shit, it fucking sucks and i don't think we're *completely* doomed but im not optimistic

| Doom remakes are shit

| Doom metal is good metal

| >>ec9898 you can
I will fuck you

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1694365897

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