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Ronaldo vs. Messi thing

| Why is there rivality again 2 players, when they play team game anyway?

| Why people compete with each other? Damn, I really wish to know!

| its a messy thing just forget about it

| >>971695 i mean not them as players, but people watch it. Why they support one of them, why not other player from team or something

| who the fucj cares about basketball

| >>971733

i never cared about ronaldinos baseball career before so why now?

| idk I think most of the reasons people watch sports it's because it's a real time anime tournament arc.

| >>971801 literally wrestling

| Because fans are retarded child/manchild

| >>971702
Humans are pattern-matchers and narrative-builders. We see two people being good at their thing and our brains go "ooh what if they're rivals??". And the way sports broadcasters go, they encourage this kind of thinking.

So what >>971801 said basically.

| >>971829

| >>971829 *gives you a wedgie*

| >>971829
In the words of Dorothy Haze, "Wow, you're a huge nerd."

| "good at their thing" they kick ball

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1693759374

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