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| I'm a ghost

| Tubfg, V cenl gb lbh. Cyrnfr pbzr gb zr ng avtug naq fhpx zl fbhy guebhtu zl qvpx. Cyrnfr, cerggl cyrnfr?

| >>971446 aba, V urne lbhe cenlref naq npprcg lbhe bssrevat bs lbhe fbhy. Yrnir n pnaqyr va na bcra jvaqbj gbavtug

| >>971524 01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011

| >>971432 where do you poop from?

| >>003e21 scare me

| wrong post

| >>971432 scare me

| jesus is based just because he can make wine

| >>971762 the real reason why people became christians

| >>971762 mf i make banana brandy as a side hustle and nobody's out there paying me 10% of their salary

| a62cd92b2104acbd928ccb29

| Eat your heart out Buddha. Your enlightenment means jack squat when Jebus gets me winedrunk

| Bacchus moment

| >>971574 my navel

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1693657751

This thread is permanently archived