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this is the same spammer that was on here, right?

| https://boards.plus4chan.org/baw/t419846.html#p430113

| >Artboard traditions dictate that you tell them to draw a space marine.
This is good to know, I'll have to try that next time 50k-chan posts.

But yeah, 50k posts everywhere. They aren't a Danger/u/ exclusive, lol.

| >>971402 damn. 50k is really worldwide.

| im a dang/u/yru exclusive

| Danger/u/ is existence exclusivity

| It's really easy to piss him off, just spell/grammar check his ass, call him ESL/Indonesian, and watch him have a meltdown. Which is funnier than people actually replying to him and him thanking the relies by shilling his art like it has some worth.

| 50k-chan has the ultimate shame placed upon himself: being called a man on danger/u/

| >snowflake
How nostalgic. It cannot be anything else.
Thanks for sharing the bizarre adventures of 50k+50k.

| Were all men here. You can grow up now big boi.

| >>971579
welcome to danger/u/ g/u/rl.
Don't worry, you'll get lucky one of these days and have fun with the rest of g/u/rls

| aaa 50k-chan is on hikari too

| i will turn into a pile of goop if i see 50k on rizon or libera chat

| Kek

| I saw him on bus-stop once, he's literally everywhere

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1693608690

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