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Imperial System

| Poeple hate, but we all know feet/inches are the superior units when measuring length, especially for one's height. You can argue about any other of the units, but not that. Even a British friend of mine uses feet/inches for their height.

Also, ever heard of a ruler? Yeah that shit is 12 inches globally. It's iconic, it's easily relatable. Everyone knows how long a ruler is

| Someone is scared of the meter

| >imperial system when the confident system walks in

| >Also, ever heard of a ruler? Yeah that shit is 12 inches globally
OP what the fuck are you on, everyone knows the standard medium-length ruler is 30cm. What the fuck is 12 inches

| >>968699 spoken like a true 181cm loser

| I use metric for pretty much everything, but I just can't imagine measuring dick length in anything but inches.

| >Even a British friend of mine uses feet/inches for their height.
Brits are wrong about everything, so this doesn't really mean much.

| Imma aboutta give you some inches right now. Bottom up baby g/u/rl.

| Blow it out of your ass you weed-smoking rats! Imperial is the way to go.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1691868476

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