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As the universe turned black

| Did the sun ever defy fate?

| gives me the same vibe as "Does the black moon howl?"

| Who can decide whats right and wrong, math or morality alone?

| I guess the question in a simpler form would be; does humanity keep existing by the time the heat death of the universe takes place? I suppose it's possible as long as humanity continues to evolve and adapt. We may be able to keep our galaxy alive if we get to a point in technology that we currently can't comprehend. Possibly, we discover something that revolutionizes our understanding of our universe and we get to manipulate it in ways never imagined, thusly we'd be rulers of sol.

| discover Uranus

| That's kinda rasist m8

| >>968976
Why bother keeping the galaxy alive when you can migrate? If we are still here at the heat death of the universe we likely wont be humans anymore but something else. We'd be something that took control of its own evolution and chosed what path it should take.

| >>969097 ok tsuki

| systemspace moment

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1692041443

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