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/u/'s Favourite Zines???

| I'm looking for new reading material! What are your favourite internet zines, g/u/rls? Lainzine is a big name that I'm sure a lot of us are familiar with. What other ones out there do you like to read?

| popular front zine (its a print magazine now), &amp, and UNREDACTED magazine

| Whatever I find interesting at the record store

| its too bad most of the e-zines i know rarely ever get past the double digits in issues

| I like Indiepocalypse, conceptually, but it's too expensive for me to get regularly.

| >>968002 >>968028 thanks for all the recommendations! All of these look great, I'm reading through each.

| I guess I'll share some of the ones I like. NEKO GIRL MAGAZINE has a lot of this sort of rawness that I appreciate. Black Fog Zine has some great style. surfaces.cx has an interesting webzine concept going on and publish fairly often. And I've recently been reading through the Red Virgin Magazine.

| Either way, thanks for the recommendations, and keep them coming if you g/u/rls know of any other good ones!

| Kinda niche, but I really like Knock! which is a zine about OSR-style RPGs.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1691832063

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