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I have a James Bond porn addiction

| I have a James Bond porn addiction and it’s killing me that I can’t stop jerking my bond, I have a snap chat account and I have 1500+ James Bond pics in my memories of just Bonds I find so hot. I also have an Instagram account dedicated to James Bond that have under 2k followers. I can’t give either of these up, and I tried to this week but I just reactivated both of the accounts. I’m genuinely at the point of where I probably should give both accounts away and step away.

| what

| Op burgered their last Bond

| Hahahshahahhaha

| Find a bf and have him be your James Bond. You won't need those pics if you have the real thing, right?

| g/u/rl I love James Bond but you sure took that to another level

How do you feel about using gadgets in bed, then ?

| gurl which bond is the hottest we have to know

| >>967889 No 007! That's my lunch.

| first day i 007 hamborgor your sister

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1691889993

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