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Drop ways

| Drop ways to get a nerd gf without breaking into houses and cutting power cables.

| just grow a tulpa
I will grow a hot jock tulpa that will take her away from you like in a pokemon battle

| >>ce47f5
I am already a hot jock, I don't need a tulpa. They are all online, that's the problem.

| >>967688 become a hot gf. Nothing melts nerd gfs more than hot gfs.

| Try going to nerdy conventions. Also this >>967699

| scope out local boardgame cafes on particular. traditional Magic/Warhammer hobby shops and playrooms are usually neckbeard dominated byt plenty of nerdy gals like the more open and accessible nature of a cafe. Get to know them there and make some friends besides. most neckbeards lack social graces so by virtue of being non-hideous, having good hygiene, paying attention to women and using bits of charisma to make them laugh and build closeness will do all the work for you

| Personally I met most of my exes trough nerdy associations like a fantasy/sci-fi literature club and fantasy inspired gaming associations and stuff like that. Going to conventions or looking up themed associations might be a good start.

| >>a03a4e >>15c155

| I've heard legends that fighting game locals are nerd girl heaven, but I'm not good enough at fighting games to find out yet

| legend has it youre still not good at fighting games

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1691963681

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