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is it worth it to take cold showers/morning showers?

| saw on /fit/ that it might help, but i'm not going to only trust /fit/ about fitness and health stuff

| there are *potential* benefits but nobody did the proper degree of science on it. likewise, individual responses vary

the constant thing is that it'll help you wake up (great for a bitch like me that blows half an hour on drowsiness every morning)
the less constant is that it'll improve your mood (something about endorphins)
apparently cryotherapy is a good thing for muscles but you are not going to blast yourself with actual freezing water i hope, which you'd need to get there

| Hot showers also dry out skin. So cold showers *may* help with keeping your skin not ashy and disgusting

| just wash your face to make a fast wakey, you might will overdoing it

| take a hot shower to relax your muscles, then turn it cold to wake up

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1691451928

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