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Unsolved Riddle

| I unzipped my pants and asked it are you a gock? To which it replied yes. Is it telling a lie? It could very well be a guy cock

| It is not a riddle, it is a stupid hypothetical question

| Also fucked your mouth

| you are a fool if you havnt heard of this age old riddle. it is a classic people spoke of it thousands of years ago. you need to get up on yo riddle game man this is nott a hypothetical question you should read your riddlers guide to the universe or riddles for dummies

| You gotta ask the balls if the gock is lying

| are trying to say am that I not showering enough?

| you that not are enough showering

| it's only a gock if you have boobs

| >>967163 they're growing>:(

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1691290013

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