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Why /a/ have captcha?

| and other boards don't?

| By the way
You are gay

| Because /a/ is the first board, and spam bots are built to automatically post to it instead of the other boards. It was getting out of hand so maids enabled capt-chan on the board, and the spam bots were never heard from again.

| Why we just don't move /a/ with burg.. could this solve captcha?

| >>966891 Thats to hard for maids/

| >>966891
You'd have to rename the board.

| why dont slam bot programmers go to other boards?

| Because they already are.
Shotgun approach

| wait, you all don't have captcha before posting?

| Only on /a/.

| no captcha <- piss?

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1691449179

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