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i just learned its socially unaceptable to reply after four days

| I feels so fucking sorry
Should I even bring this up?

| She seems up sad
Fuckkkk meeee

| Next time you should wait at least five days just to be safe.

| gurl, 4 day is just so rushed, "let it cook" like the kids say, and wait at least a week next time yeah?

| Of course it's unacceptable! You are too clingy.

| "socially unacceptable" is such a weird concept lol, it depends on the person. some people are gonna get it, some people are gonna feel like you hate them. if you know this is an issue you run into, just be upfront about it and let them decide if it's a dealbreaker or not. as for past actions, what's done is done g/u/rl

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1690030513

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