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what to do when your friend semi-sucide trap you for your attention?


| Support them

| your choice if support in to do or don't do suicide

You are welcome!

| Leave them.

| Fuck them.

| What the fuck is semi suicide. Please I beg of you people re read what you type before posting. I swear we either have middle schoolers invading the board or fuckers who barely speak English. If it is the ladder just use your native language it's all good.

| >Complains about lack of proper English
>The Ladder

| >>963204 this. why the fuck cant they speak like normal people, just say your friend threatened suicide or is guilting you with it or something like what

| like i assume "semi" here implies that op is aware that the friend is bluffing whereas a normal "suicide trap" would have them believe it's real?

| >>963204 it is the ladder! We need to take the chairs and tables as well and make it a TLC match!

| Let them, nobody who keeps talking about it is actually gonna do it.

| Find better friends, dont waste your 1 life on this earth on some worthless worm like that. Even if they do it who actually gives a shit, go be happy with normal functioning human beings instead of manipulative shitbags.

| This thread is cancer to read

| OP, what the fuck is a suicide trap and what is semi about it? No one can give actual advise if you don't elaborate.

| this bread is music to my ears

| well first you punch him. second you ask what going on, after listening, you punch him again. say all right I'll see what I can do and then punch him again. seek him some help and then punch him again when you manage to find him some third part help or good advices. At this point he should be sort of purple on his face, ask him if it hurt and punch him till he become black, then tell him to stop being a nigger.
this should work

| I feel suicidal and breedable

| kek gem

| Either breed him or leave him

| This thread has me semi suicidal.
Op left it cuz he's too embarrassed after getting called out

| Sex them

| >>963840

>implying that boys exist

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1689334600

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