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I constantly forget this board is based on a video game

| Imagine if the game either never released or never had danger/u/ in it as a joke, we'd be so joever

| thx for reminding me to replay it :)

| Real butterfly effect at works

| >>963090 I'm cursed to forever associate the butterfly effect with that dumb Until Dawn game

| this bored is based on lain

| I constantly forget this board is based

| >>963110 this

| I constantly forget

| >>963095 Pomou of the noble family of Pomou will remember this

| >>963110 isnt that lainchan

| this board is based

| reminder that all the "boys" that use this board are attention whores

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1689216297

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