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Things to do on the internet

| Everything online is going to shit and there's a hole in my heart for internet content.

Gimme some plz

| ^^^ btw my computer kinda sucks its a shitty laptop from 2015 so no high end super ultra graphics AAA games >>963004

| dunno, try vns and programmingg?

| Porn

| beans

| Become legendary

| log off

| post

| >>963047
Unironically this

| stalk former bullies with OSINT techniques.

| >>963053 this, you have my respect

| read umineko

| alt-f4 life and hope you get isekai'd

| i recently discovered substack, i like reading garbage day and afterschool on there. its an app with several authors writing about niche interests and trends and i like those two for their focus on tech and youth culture.

you can try to get into a new community and explore a bit, i liked poking around newgrounds and neocities to see what people were up to. also just try to learn a new skill or hobby, find some new communities.

| i recently discovered substack, i like reading garbage day and afterschool on there. its an app with several authors writing about niche interests and trends and i like those two for their focus on tech and youth culture.

you can try to get into a new community and explore a bit, i liked poking around newgrounds and neocities to see what people were up to. also just try to learn a new skill or hobby, find some new communities.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1688937519

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