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anyone here polyphasic sleeper?


| Tried it out years ago, stuck with it for 6 months. Half a year of having constant bad memory, agitated mood, weight gain from lack of sleep, polyphasic sleep is bullshit.

| >>962856
honestly tho

| Just do a siesta like the spanglish

| I do it unintentionally a lot and it (mostly) works for me

| No, just sleep deprived and sleep randomly in bus, afternoon, front of computer, while chatting etc.

| polyphase is a meme. even the birds sleep at night

| Haven't tried polyphase myself (been meaning to though) but I don't think it's for everyone lol

| I'd never heard of it before and had to look it up. Sounds like a better term is just "bad sleep".

| >>963228 oh wow lol

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1689036941

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