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Got kicked out of house

| Just became homeless due to my parents not able to cope me being depressed. They were scared I might commit suicide so they threw me out on the streets. Yay

| what the fuck... that's awful. good luck g/u/rl I hope you find a place to stay.

| ...And how do they think you being HOMELESS is going to help you from becoming even more depressed and suicidal?

| >>90e4d4 Out of sight, out of mind.

| what the fuck :(

what region are you?

| don't worry we g/u/y's will always be here for you

| They went from worrying you might kill yourself to giving you a reason to kill yourself??? With no due respect your parents are heartless morons

If you haven't found a place to stay yet, aside from getting help from friends and/or extended family (who actually care about you!) you should look into homeless shelters and food banks in your area

| Also this is more of a long-term idea but depending on where you live you might be able to sue your parents for abandonment, assuming you're a minor.

I wish you the best g/u/rl, stay safe

| become more sucessful than your parents. write a book about it saying how you were abandoned and went through the struggles but dont like talking about it. become slumdog book writer. post vids about your new fancy car and home. your mom and dad view it and are astonished at your sucess. profit?

| >>962745
Sue your parents for abandonment! assuming your a senior man babby and cant care for yourself, shame on them! Sue. Sue. Sue!

| >>962661 do you need any help?

| >>962661 cute

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1688868840

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