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how do i stop being so full after going to korean bbq

| my stomach literally feels like its going to explode rn i keep getting tempted to eat so much there

| me when I can't stop seeing my korean babygirl

| consider: don't go to korean bbq

| consider: throw up

| consider: eat less

| >>962407 the egg and the beef they have is SO GOOD tho

| you should try eating my eggs and beef

| yep i got two huge hairy eggs under the shade of this giant monolithic oval shaped meat

| Consider: being less of a little bitch

| take some laxatives about 5 hours beforehand and then drink throughout the meal

alcohol speeds up digestion
laxatives empty the tank

| eat lots of bread beforehand and drink bloaty dairy juice throughout

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1688515737

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