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| I keep having really crazy thoughts and feelings, like shadow people are talking to me, or that a hole is in my mouth and a eele lives in it, or that reality is just a figmanted patern flaring in and out of existence. I'm kinda scared to bring up me seeing things to my Dr, but I feel like I'm getting worse.

| definitely talk to.someome about it. getting a handle on these intrusive thoughts is self care, and we are long past the days of institutionalisation for no reason. talk to them thoroughly and compare their assessments to your own research and most of all, be safe and kind to yourself <3

| Yo! You got an eel in your mouth?? Cool!!!

| Kinky eely

| >>962314 G/u/rl visit a doctor!!!
We don't live in times where that would get you a good old river dunking anymore.

| >>962373 we do. y'all gonna get an innocent gurl institutionalized against her will

| >>962373 what if shes brazillian

| Thanks for the replies, appreciate it ♡

| don't go to hospital g/u/rl. I was there and they will not let you out ever again

| >>962393 >>962491

straight up shut up

mental health systems may be shit but people are allowed to reach out and seek help

telling her to ignore it and do nothing is fucking ASININE.

| >>962494 telling someone to go enjoy medicalized abuse because haha its good for you is fucking retarded and so are you

| >>962494 i mean it's better than an hero but being there was the worst week of my life. I was lucky to have gotten out and needed to lie to the psychiatrists to escape. maybe it's better outside the US, but the place I was was a 1000-dollar-per-night prison.

| Neat.

| >>962494
sheltered fucking dumbass you don't even know how fucking evil the people that work in psych units are

| Depends, you could get better in touch with your doctor in a personal way so that you'll get some help like any other plus the actual experience they have, to not become nameless patient #935 or something.

| >>962680
ive been in psych wards nearly two dozen times since i was 14 dont even begin to talk to me with your goofy binary understanding

| >>962496
charming, im sure you care about anyones wellbeing


yeah the US is dogshit, no escaping that

| like im actually infuriated by the way yall are essentially telling someone "do nothing" there is something deeply wrong w you

if you arent even going to suggest or provide alternatives SHUT THE FUCK UP

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1688867992

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