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tea thread

| today i drank earl grey tea for the first time while in the uk

| Based and tea pilled

| I had some apple cider flavoured tea today, it was very good. :3

| I just drink black tea as a social obligation. But thyme tea is great for when I'm feeling sick.

| I drink lots of mint tea. It tastes goode :>

| I bought some lemon flavoured ice tea today

| I love chamomile tea with 60% water/40% milk and I have never met a person that does not despise me because of it.

| I love earl grey tea so much

| Herbal tea is the best.

| maaan, tea with a dash of mustard is the hizzy fa shizzy

| green tea with ginseng and honey and tea with marshmallow and slippery elm are the two best teas

| love lapsang souchong

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1688424424

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