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Anyone wanna date?

| We could become g/u/rlfrens <3 /g

| I have calendar, why do i need the date? I can look it up by my self.

| Alright, I'll bite. Where you taking me?

| I'm flattered, but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now, g/u/rl. Sorry.

| can we shinjū after only bein together for a week

| Atooishinjuu is the best

| >>961272 you, me, where we going? Gas station? Why? Gas station weed, OH NO, the gas station weed was laced. We become gas station tweakers, what do we do now? MOVIES, we watch cocaine bear, maybe a little kiss in the back. Where we finishing? THE RIVER, watching the sewer fish dance while we dance to the moonlight sonata of the fireflies. Beyond romantic <3

| >>961324
G/u/rl, you must be joking. What's even the point if you don't go together?

| Is it okay to go in pajama? I just don't really feel like changing and taking showers for events

| >>961333 you make my heart melt <3

| >>961409 anything for you baby <3

| Naw.

| heyl nah to the nawnaw naaaw

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1687915683

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