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Social reset

| This summer, I cleared nearly every social media account I have and only kept one to talk to the 4 people I hang out in-person with regularly. This was also after a different group fell apart due to everyone getting fed up with each other. Am I making the right choice? I dont want to make enemies on accident because people think im ghosting them.

| believe it or not, YOU ARE MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE... Congrats

| Social media leads to doomscrolling and sadness when not used to make/maintain healthy, human relationships. You're saving your time and mental health by cutting back!

| I did the same thing over a decade ago and I can say it was the right choice for me. I still have some online-only people who I talk to regularly but most of us met or studied together at some point in life.

I think it's important to get out there and socialize outside of your friend group though. Not on social media but with people. It doesn't matter if it's online or offline as long as you meet people with similar interests, hobbies or chemistry.

| It's necessary for a happy life imo
I cut off everyone except the people I really love and am fully comfortable around, then just started over. Now I exclusively have people I like in my life and am doing amazing <3

| >>961139
Wow, that's great that you're doing amazing! Personally I became lonelier after cutting out the toxic people from my life. It didn't become a struggle until the pandemic, but I still do not regret doing it. Not at all.

| >>961145
Yeah, regardless of how it goes for the little while after it's still a positive change. I'm glad you had the strength to!

| I did this as well, went from ~200 discord friends and ~600 steam friends to ~10 on both. Initially it bothered me because especially Steam felt dead and empty, as I used to get lots of notifications and check on activities/my friends list and see what people are doing.

But few weeks later I realize I waste way less time on useless things like that, and have less stress/pressure due to lack of notifications and responsibility to check/respond to them.

| It also feels good to finally have the friends list actually represent a friends list, rather than a "people I met and most likely only interacted with once" list

| People don't actually care that much about you ghosting them.

Or maybe that's just me...

| >>961292
Same here. I struggle to find the difference sometimes

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1687902879

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