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What is your experience with Twomad?

| I used to love twomad’s Overwatch videos back in 2018. It saddens me that all the content creators I used to love is just a piece of shit behind the camera

| literally who

| >>961041 Wait wha, did he do something bad? Last time I heard of him was just about him not being fat anymore

| quastion: why he negro

| The only thing I know about him is how he trolled Zoom calls

| Why would I have an 'experience' with some YouTube faggot?

| used to be very active in an "era" of his discord about 2 years ago, basically at the end of the year he banned all of the active people and the good mods and hired some strange male feminist guy who mentally abused some girls. oh how i loved u shaxxs thicc wet cheeks

| Nothing.

| >>961291 many fans have "experiences" with their favorite youtubers. underaged fans especially

| Is this some woke go broke malarkey?

Did he clean up his act like idubbz?

Don't get me wrong that type of humor is funny. But people just yelling nigger faggot gets kinda dead when you have a job.

| idubbz is gay. and i dont watch gay people. that would be gay

| >>961535 Sounds like you are questioning your sexuality.
Nothing straighter than watching a gay man. I watch hours of gay porn daily to make sure I am in fact not gay.

| He seems like just some unfunny edgelord tbh

| He's a black child

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1688135431

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