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Obsessive love

| Obsessive love or obsessive love disorder (OLD) is a proposed condition in which one person feels an overwhelming obsessive desire to possess and protect another person, sometimes with an inability to accept failure or rejection. Symptoms include an inability to tolerate any time spent without that person, obsessive fantasies surrounding the person, and spending inordinate amounts of time seeking out, making, or looking at images of that person.

| While obsessive love is not contained in the DSM-5 or other diagnostic manuals as a specific mental disorder, it is believed to accompany other mental illnesses.[2] Depending on the intensity of their attraction, obsessive lovers may feel entirely unable to restrain themselves from extreme behaviors such as acts of violence toward themselves or others.

| Obsessive love is thought to sometimes have its roots in childhood trauma and may begin at first sight; it may persist indefinitely, sometimes requiring psychotherapy.

The disorder most commonly associated with obsessive love is borderline personality disorder. Other disorders that are most commonly associated with obsessive love include delusional disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other cluster B personality disorders.

- From Wikipedia

| Whoever came up with this is just mad that they don't have a cute yandere head over heels with them.

| All these discorder is just narcissistic trait

| I thought I was a little unhealthily obsessed until I read this lol

| >>960963 it would be cool to have a yandere cutie GF honestly. If only.

| all y'all motherfuckers need to read the ethical slut and deprogram yourselves.

obsessive love disorder is just what hollywood sells as romance.

| >>960981 Seems like an interesting read though I'm not sure I'd apply it. Polyamory isn't really what I have in mind, if you're talking about the Janet W. Hardy book.

| Those are a lot of words to describe limerence. If you suffer from this then you might also have OCD.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1687815279

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