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Does chocolate bars count as candy or chocolate?

| Would you call things like kitkat/sneakers candy bars or chocolate bars?

| They're candy, 100%

| We all call them chocolate in my native tongue.

| It's chocolate. Tf, someone actually call it candy??

| Both

| Neither

| they count as sweets
sweets to candy to specific candy type
sweets to chocolate to specific type of chocolates.
shape doesn't matter

| >>960314
this post is wrong and i hate it. snickers aren't sweets. they're candy bars or chocolate bars but definetly not sweets.

| >>960465 you'll have to get over this, your dear snicker will fall in sweets because it's not just a perfect block of pure chocolate only.
Having candy within it does not help you!

| >>960470
crackers aren't sweets! nuts aren't sweets! you can't drench nuts and crackers in chocolate and call them something they're not!!

| They count as drugs

| >>960668 my gurlnuts are plenty sweet, babe. want a taste? ;3

| >>960702
m-maybe i do. what's it to you anyway

| Candy bars and chocolate bars are different, one is made from milk chocolate and is mostly sugar and other ingredients with chocolate flavor, whereas chocolate bars are usually dark chocolate and has much more chocolate content. However chocolate is defined as a candy or dessert, so yes it is technically a candy.

| >>961013
At which cacao to milk ratio does it become a chocolate bar over a candy bar though? I always considered milk chocolate to be chocolate bars and not candy bars myself, but if you stick a bunch of fudge and stuff in a chocolate bar I might agree with calling it a candy bar... maybe.

| >>961055 I'd imagine like over 50% cause then it's more chocolate than other ingredients.

| Chocolate can't count.

| always count on chocolate

| You could try to judge it personally by counting on my chocolate bar, if you know what I mean


| >>961641 this, I eat any sort of plants and mushrooms raw, drink random alchemical mixes, shower in acid, and walk barefoot (aka known as as read as ara ara, I do never shower cuz), on legos daily, wear death birds found in the middles of the street as hat to give them a sign of tribute and pray to their descendants.

| Aycs you can see, I do not (don't) discriminate and I (me) believe (verb, following of the act of holding a belief) that everyone (a lot of homo sapiens) should do that!! (Esclamations points to give tone to the post)

| T-rex pussy zussy sussy heheheheheheh

| Yes! I totally meant ot do the opposite of falcon kicking the holy hammers of my sisters, taaaaaaaaamn,,,, thst's fucking hot I mean ,clock ping pong. MEayve we could use some sugar heew to get the alchol upp lilolololollj xd

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1688079536

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