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Why are you hate Indonesia??

| Lol, really why?

| Full of lowlife weebs who make their subhuman lifestyle and porn addiction their entire personality branding it as "being of culture" like cmon bro sthu ur not quirky. And they also dont understand that not everyone they come into contact with online is indonesian

| >>959896

| >>959898
OMG it is live Ind*ne$1@n

| >>959898 selamat pagi

| >>959896
Serious answer: there's an infamous schizoposter here who keep spamming the same thing and they're probably Indonesian. I forgot how we found out, I think a mod saw it from the IP.

| >>959966 nah, someone baited 50k-chan using burner email. 50k-chan then emailed her "art" to said burner using her actual email that can be traced by simply typing it in google.

And the it leads to her scizo blog and accounts in forum asking vague questions.

Gurls also said that her email is in the Tokopedia (something like the amazon of indonesia) leak. But I don't check or verify.

| >>959994
50k-chan posted a link to that blog herself just a few weeks ago, then sperged out when told schizoposting would put off potential clients.

| I never even heard of that place. Is it real? It sounds made-up

| finna go to outdonesia. the real g/u/ys reside there not silly man babby man children

| >>960090 I know it's hard, but eventually you need to accept that g/u/ys aren't real

| >>960090 rule 4

| If I could press a button and depopulate all of Indonesia I would do it in a heartbeat
Nothing personnel though I don't hate Indonesians but I like orangutans more so their well-being takes priority I'm sure you understand

| just relocate them outdonesia. problem solved no more indonesia

| How could I hate Indonesia? My oshis live there
Oh my dear Moona, Kaela, Risu, Anya, Ollie and Kobo

| No good vidya + clearnet monkey torture video rings

| I never thought about it, but once you've stated it, I have to say that I've fucked Indonesia's mouth.

I am Pomu by the way.

| They makes me cum

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1687455183

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