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Come here if your having a bad day.

| Let's talk it out. We're here to vent rn

| I'm not sure I want to elaborate because I'm tired rn but I'm on that self loathing type beat and I'm not sure why I shouldn't be

| I'm having a bad day everyday, and I don't even know how to settle my emotions now.

| I'm not even having a bad day but it didn't end the way I wanted it to. Can I still complain?

| Every time I start feeling sad, I always think that I don't deserve to be sad because there are a lot people our there that are less fortunate than myself.

| Every day of my life is good. Attitude is everything in Iraq

| I've had two bad days in a row now but I'm handling it. Just wish I had someone to talk to about it.

Reading this actually helped my attitude quite a bit tbh^ >>959667

| I talk too much. I juggle multiple friends because a single person seems to only care to talk for an hour at most. I worry that I'm gonna upset people but I just really love talking.

| >>959749
Do you also listen or only talk?

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1687030003

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