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how to touch grass

| everyone tells me to touch grass but how do I do that? pls keep it simple I'm bad at math

| 1. Go to a park
2. ??????
3. Profit.

| Touching grass is easy g/u/rl! All you have to do is post your mother’s credit card number, the numbers on the back and the expiration date, and you’ll be a world renowned grass toucher all across the interwebs!!!!

| >>957775 N-U-M-B-E-R-S?!?! Does this mean that I have to do some calculations and use formulas?? I've never learnt how to use abacus, is there no other way? :(

| >>957769 Wdym touch grass? Like just go outside and do shit or what?

| >>957781 I never did it before and I'm very scared of it. I heard that grass has some mythical magic called growning and it goes everywhere, it's like spider's webs but worse. Some also told me that if you don't do it right you may get trapped and be eaten alive! D:

| If you use the phrase 'touch grass', you clearly don't get outside much.

| Take a shower, wear good cologne/perfume, put on some nice clothes, and go to a sports bar or something. Plenty of people looking to touch grass every night.

| Or just go to a park and roll in the grass d:

| >>957769 i can help you. In what progress you are now?

| >>957817 I'm currently at the first level in the stage where you're supposed to stop browse danger/u/ and I'm finding difficulty on commanding myself. I think my controller's key configs are somehow messed up and I don't know how to access the setting menu. Any ideas? Last time I've tried this it took me years to figure out how to do it. Now I've forgot it -again- tho.

| >>957785 outside? you mean like going to the other threads?

| >>957803 My brain went pewpew! Stop saying hard words! What do you mean by S-H-O-W-E-R?? Isn't that thing with water? That thing feels very bad on my skin, how can people resist that?

| >>957804 roll in-the-grass?! I-i-I'm gonna call the police! I'll never drug!

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1685324679

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