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Is anyone else bisexual here

| If so what's your "type" for both ways I'm tryna see something

| Pff

| I like pretty much all women. I like most men, but not guys who work out and are super muscled up.

| I like men who can cook and women who can kick my ass

| I like boys who are feminine and girls who have bro energy

| I like pathetic submissive sexually frustrated men and dominant women with huge dicks.

| Femboys and dommy mommies O~O

| competency all the way
you like a thing and do it well? a type
also, tasteful jewelry on any gender, esp long earrings

| I like men with bro chill energy and avoid gym bros. Most women are fantastic in unique ways but I cant stand women (or men for that matter) who make having an internet personality their thing.

Though this is all coming from a pan person so it may skew your results.

| >>956998 What's the line between "gym bro" and someone who just exercises?

| Quadrosexual
Try to beat me up

| Octosexual

| Do I count as Bi if the only men I like are fictional, unrealistic depictions of femboys?
Regarding girls, I like almost all kinds of girls

| >>957002 Making it an obnoxious reoccuring topic with people you talk to and then you're a gym bro. If you're chill and you work out, you're fine.

| >>9d852c Stop with your hentais and start with crossplayers

| I am bi but I really don't like either that much lol. I prefer being alone but if the conditions were right I could form a relationship with either male or female

| >>957061 but I don't like the real thing, they just look manly or not feminine enough

| >men look too manly to me
being straight is going to be an uphill battle for you, sis.

| >>957078 I'm sorry if didn't explain myself enough,

Men don't look feminine enough for me to like them. Even femboys. Only fictional femboys are cute...

| >>957090 explain myself correctly*

| >>957091 so you like girls but dick on a girl is okay basically?

With anime femboys they basically just draw girls and tell you they have a dick

| You do sex only twice? I prefer 4-5x

| I'm quadandhalfsexual

| >>956990 this! I'm joining femboy party

| >>957094 exactly! I also always prefer to be top and dom

| As Dana Zane once said, "cuteness has no boundaries."

| cute entities asscheeks when i walk into the club be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKRkAEjjhpE

| >>957108 Dana Zane? More like:
I love the Boss

| >>957103 I'd say you sound straight and open to trans women by the sound of it

| >>957123 yeah, mostly yes, indeed

| uh I guess with men I am also in the anime pretty boy twink camp. Idk think of someone like rienhard lorhengram, or dudes from kpop. a certain bishojo look?
also probably femboys too if you count them as different things.
My types for woman are just cluskerfuck so basically all of them.

| >>957064 tbh souds like you are somewhere on an aroace spectrum aside from being bi
imagine it like adding a Z axis to a diagram haha

| I'm monosexual!

| Ama Obama fuxsual

| girls dont exist so it's impossible to be bi anon

| >>957330 *boys don't exisg

| no, we're all big homosexual men who like sucking big fat sweaty cocks, there is no place for bisexual faggots like you, i also bet you like dressing as a little lady, get out

| >>957395 well that's just rude

| >>957330 >>957389
>implying husbandos aren't real

| >>957397 this g/u/rls gets it

| >>957395 tourists should lurk moar

| There are no boys on the internet everyone knows that

| >>957395 I mean, I don't support what's being said as I'd become victim too, but I support the energy you give to the thread.

| >>957257 These bitches still stuck in the x-y plane while I'm out here in the 3D vector space

Total number of posts: 44, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1684977455

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