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Crazy school stories

| >Eating at lunchtime with my friends
>Friend says he's got something to show us
>Pulls out an electric razor from his backpack
>He asks if anyone wants a haircut
>Friend volunteers
>He sits on a chair and we shave his head
>We shaved some other kids from my class
>Some kids see us from the window
>There's now a bunch of kids in my classroom waiting to be shaved
>Most boys in my class are now bald
>Girls in the bus home are devastated because this handsome blonde boy is bald now

Do you g/u/rls have any crazy school stories?

| >teacher talking about asceticism in class
>ask for example
>shows us some religious guy who held his arm up in the air until it dried up and shrunk
>everyone wants to be an ascetic now
>whole class raising their hand in every class rest of the day
>only one guy left by lunch time
>everyone honors the holy man and carries his tray for him
>some girl feeds him with a fork
I guess that's how cults are born.

| All praise the tiny hand man

| Story from high school..
I'm in class history of art.
Sleeping in class and having stretch hands over desk as "pillow" with hands front.

Imagine this, it's accurate, just i'm not cute sadly: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/936057909006537236/CFE90F9ACB5841AC4D7DA2AFB2A04BC16B014844/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false

Girl from class just going around and wake up me by hold my hands for short.

| >>956280 I just wake up and confusely stare to her eyes and my cheeks are blush too much.. She just smile, i think she little laughted? i don't remember. Unhold my hands after 3-5 seconds, and continue in walk to her desk.

I don't love her or anything, but i feel that i lost hand-holding virginity or something xd

| the interesting once were all outside of school but i used to hold barbecues inside school grounds and i was able to get away with it because teachers liked me

| >>2644c3 lol that sounds really cool

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1684184756

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